Articles of association for Herning Skøjteløler Forening
• 1 – The association's name
The name of the association is:
• 2 – The purpose of the association
The purpose of the association is to promote ice skating in Herning by cultivating ice skating, figure skating, ice dancing and speed skating
• 3 – The association's memberships
The association is a member of:
Danish Skating Union
The Sports Council, Herning
• 4 – Admission and exclusion of the association
As a member, the board can accept anyone who makes a request to this effect.
However, the board can in certain cases refuse admission, just as the board can exclude a member of the association.
However, the person concerned has the right to appeal the matter at the next general meeting.
• 5 – Quota
The board sets the quota each year.
The quota is paid according to the board's previously established rules and norms.
The membership is valid for 1/2 season at a time.
Members may, at the board's discretion, be exempted from dues.
• 6 – The general assembly
The general assembly is the association's highest authority.
The general meeting is convened with at least one week's notice by announcement on the website and by written notification to the members
Proposals that are to be dealt with must be in the hands of the board no later than 4 x 24 hours before the general meeting.
In matters that are not on the agenda, a general meeting cannot take a binding decision.
The right to vote can only be exercised in person.
Members (at least 15 years – for children 0 – 15 years 1 guardian = 1 vote regardless of one or more children) who are not in dues arrears and who have been members of the association for 2 months before the general meeting have the right to vote.
The general assembly elects its conductor, who leads the assembly.
A written vote must take place if 1 member requests it.
Furthermore, all votes on exclusion must take place in writing.
If a general meeting has made a decision on a matter, this cannot be tabled again until the next general meeting
The ordinary general meeting is held in March.
The agenda must include the following:
1. Election of a conductor
b. Report on the association's position and activities in the past year.
c. Presentation of the audited accounts for the past year, as well as status report.
d. Proposals received
e. Election of the board of directors, cf. §7
f. Selection of auditor, cf. §7
g. Election of substitutes, cf. §7
h. Possibly
• 7 – The association's management
PCS. 1
The association's management is overseen by the board's executive committee, which represents the association in all matters. The executive committee consists of the chairman, deputy chairman and treasurer. The club's chairman and treasurer represent HSF in the Ice Stadium Foundation.
In addition, the association's board consists of 4 additional board members who, however, do not sit on the executive committee and who primarily deal with association activities such as competitions, social activities, etc.
The business committee and the board of directors agree on the order of meetings for the committees at the next meeting.
PCS. 2
All seven board members are elected to their specific post at the association's general meeting, the board members are thus elected by the association's members to their specific post, and no constitution must be made.
All seven board members are elected for a period of 2 years as follows:
• That the chairman and two ordinary members are elected in odd years.
• That the vice-chairman, treasurer and two other activity committee members are elected in even years.
At the general meeting, two deputies are elected to the board. These elections are all one-year terms.
An auditor is also elected for a one-year period.
PCS. 3
In the event that an alternate board member is to join the board instead of an elected member, in contrast to the general meeting, a constitution will take place. Therefore, the board constitutes itself at the first meeting after the deputy's entry. This constitution applies until the next general meeting, when elections are again held for specific posts, cf. subsection 2.
PCS. 4
The executive committee is responsible for establishing a running committee in the club, and for establishing close cooperation with the committee chairman of this committee and with the sports manager who is from time to time chairman of the sporting committee.
PCS. 5
The executive committee is the board's quorum body and is only quorum when at least 2 members of the executive committee are present.
Activities, competitions etc. are decided by the entire board and sports manager before the season. Changes to activities and the addition of activities can only be decided at a meeting with a minimum of five of the total board's seven members.
PCS. 6
The executive committee is obliged to the club's members to publish their strategy and objectives for the coming year by 1 May at the latest. The announcement must be made on the club's website.
The chairman is obliged to report to the annual general meeting, cf. published strategy and objectives.
• 8 – Accounts
The financial year for Herning Skøjtelöperforening runs from 1/7 to 30/6.
The treasurer must send the completed operating accounts and status report to the auditors by 1/10 at the latest.
The accounts, provided with an auditor's certificate, are submitted to the ordinary general meeting for approval.
• 9 – Extraordinary general meeting
An extraordinary general meeting can be called by the board and must be held within one month when at least 2/3 of the active members request it in writing to the chairman.
• 10 – Changes in the articles of association
Changes to these laws can be made at any general meeting when at least 1/5 of the club's voting members are present and at least ¾ of the votes cast are in favor of the proposal.
If a majority is obtained at a general meeting that does not have a quorum, the board of directors must call a new general meeting within 14 days with the usual notice.
If ¾ of the votes cast at this general meeting are also in favor of the proposal, this is adopted, regardless of the number of eligible voters present.
• 11 – Obligation
The association is bound by the signature of 2 board members, one of whom must be the chairman and the treasurer or deputy chairman.
The treasurer is authorized to receive payments and pay incoming obligations.
• 12 – Dissolution of the association
Dissolution of the association can only be done at an extraordinary general meeting, with this purpose as an item on the agenda.
Dissolution of the association can only take place if 2/3 of the members present vote in favor.
Any funds retained belong to DANSK SKOJTE UNION.
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Thus adopted at the founding general meeting.
Herning, 11 October 1966
Revised at the general meeting on 22 March 1971
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Revised at extraordinary general meeting on 24 April 1980
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Revised at the general meeting on 13 February 1985
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Revised at the general meeting on 7 February 1989
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Revised at the general meeting on 15 February 1991
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Revised at the general meeting on 28 February 1996
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Revised at the general meeting on 26 February 1997
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Revised at extraordinary general meeting on 27 March. 2002
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Revised at the general meeting on 15 March. 2006
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Revised at the general meeting on 23 March. 2009
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Revised at the general meeting on 18 March 2015
Revised at the general meeting on 13 March 2017