About HSF
The Herning skater association started in 1966. Back then we were somewhat smaller and quite a few. However, we slowly grew bigger.
Today we have more members, but we still want more.
In 2016, the Herning Skøjteløber Forening turned 50 years old. We are quite proud of that. In this connection, we held an anniversary show. We do shows like that from time to time. We train a lot and look forward to being able to share our passion with you.

​The Herning skater association started in 1966. Back then we were quite a few. However, we slowly have been growing bigger.
Today we have many members, but we are happy to welcome new ones.
In 2016, the Herning Skøjteløber Forening turned 50 years old. We are so proud of that. We celebrated it with an anniversary show and it was a huge success.
We love to celebrate big and small achievements and we do shows from time to time. It gives us the possibility to share our passion with all of you together.